The Best Framework Blog

After reading through the different frameworks for sustainability, the one that really caught my eye was the Natural Step. Now this one, in my opinion, breaks down sustainability and what it means in a business perspective that the other ones do not do in my opinion. It creates a 4 tier level of what sustainability means and basically gives a guideline to creation that stays within the sustainable category.

By definition the Natural Step: is a framework promoted by an international organization that proposes four fundamental system conditions to help stabilize the global biosphere. This approach is general, and the ecological and economic benefits of the Natural Step are often difficult to measure. (Shedroff 154)

It is one of the better models because it is very direct. It gives businesses a guideline to follow to create and enhance products to ultimately be more sustainable. The four categories include 1. Substances from the earth’s crust must not systematically in- crease in the biosphere. This means that companies shouldn’t be extracting or using up minerals, fossil fuels, and metals at a faster rate than its regeneration. By doing this, it shows businesses that the earth’s resources are not unlimited, so by stopping the overuse of the earth’s substances from the crust can create a huge environmental impact. 2.Substances produced by society must not systematically increase in nature. With this being a condition, it basically states that the product may not be produced faster than it can be broken down. For example, water bottles are produced at an extreme pace, while all of the finished plastic bottles end up right back in the ocean. They are not biodegradable and ruin our oceans and land due to all the plastic that builds up. Products that are made at a slower and more environmental friendly pace can stop the build up of all the trash that eventually ends back in the Earth’s crust. 3.The physical basis for the productivity and diversity of nature must not systematically deteriorate. This is highlighting the fact that we should not take more from nature that cannot be recreated. It basically tries to stop the overuse of natural resources. 4.There needs to be fair and efficient use of resources with respect to meeting human needs. In a grand scheme, this is saying that companies need to be able to create a product or service that accomplishes the need of humans while being fair and efficient to natural resources.

Although the method is subjective being that there aren’t many techniques for evaluation within the system, I still think that this model does a great job with breaking down sustainability in a business frame. It gives companies a clear outline with four conditions that ultimately can be used as a guide to make product and services more sustainable. I think that this makes sustainability overall easier for businesses because the outline can be used as a guide.






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